Monday, November 9, 2009

I Rather...

I rather be late to work than skip a morning workout lol. Last night I fell asleep pretty late which for me is around 10:30ish...I was up watching the Kardashian Wedding (don't judge) so this morning I was in no mood to wake up at 6:15. I hit snooze so many times that before I knew it, it was already 7:30. A normal person would just get ready and come to work but see I am not normal so instead I decided to workout and just be 30 minutes late for work lol.

Ayer was a great day so great that I did nothing but lay on my couch and catch up with my dvr. I love when my apt feels so cozy and the sun is coming in but not so much that is gives me a migraine.

"make it work"

Are you one of those people whom has a nagging voice if you don't workout? I am. I wanted to keep it easy since my body was sore from the Factor Five workout which by the way shocked me. I did this workout on Saturday morning and it only consisted of 3 moves...Bent-Over Row, Dumbbell Side Dips, and Dead Lift but it really made my obliques and the back of my thighs very sore...even today they still hurt (and I love it).

Anyways, ayer I kept it easy and worked out with my EA Active. I created two workouts, the first was just light cardio and the second one was upper body, I burned 235 calories in 45 minutes.

This is my EA Active Avatar...I always wear sunglasses outdoors so it only seemed right that she does too lol

Ayer for din-din I wanted to keep it light so I had Amy's Shepherds Pie. This is the first time I tried this product, actually this is the first time I ever had a Shepherds Pie and I liked it for the most part. Granted I had nothing to compare it too but I enjoyed it, my fave part was the Mashed Potatoes.

I wanted to have "cookie dough" for dessert but I finished my LMM (GASP)...I hope my new container makes it here before the end of the week ((((sad panda))))

Since I had no LMM, I decided to make another "soft serve" this time I used a Banana, PB, and Splenda...I mixed everything together and tossed it in the freezer for about 30 minutes.

I was still feeling snacky so I had an Alfajor while I watched the Kardashian Wedding (again, don't judge)

This morning I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party and burned 408 Calories in 45 minutes.

For Breakfast I had a Mini Frittata and a Gala Apple with PB and my usual coffee

BTW can I just say that I am loving this weather! It is November and I didn't have to wear a jacket today! wooohoooo

Have a great day!!!!


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...