Thursday, March 10, 2011

Skinny On Peanuts

Did you know that March is National Peanut Month???

Last week I was invited to a fun Event to celebrate this glorious month….“THE NUTROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART: The World’s First PB&J Art Exhibit” Which was hosted by Peanut Butter & Co., National Peanut Board, The Food Bank Of NYC, and Openhouse Gallery. I was also asked to attend a  Health and Fitness seminar conducted by Deana Seagrave-Daly RD, LDN.

I invited my friend Jen since she is a photographer and I knew she would appreciate the artwork. Side note: check out her site, the girl is TALENTED!

We met at the gallery and then headed into the seminar….


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Here are some interesting things that I learned about Peanuts:

  • Peanuts and Peanut butter contribute to more than 30 essential nutrients.
  • Peanuts contain more protein than any other nut. 9 Grams per serving
  • Peanuts are an antioxidant
  • Peanuts score low in the Glycemic Index which means they provide a slower energy source to your blood stream and keep insulin levels steady. Including peanuts and peanut butter in your daily life can be an effective way to help control hunger
  • Peanuts and peanut butter are naturally low in sodium
  • They are naturally cholesterol free

After the seminar they treated us to snacks with peanuts being the guest star!

Peanut Butter Cookies:


Peanut butter smoothies:


Veggies and Fruit with Peanut Butter Dipping Sauce!

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I also walked around the room to take a look at the new Peanut Marketing Campaign:

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We then went into the main gallery and looked at the fun and creative pieces….here are a few of my faves!

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After the event, Jen and I went to grab lunch and I wanted to stick with the theme of the day and had Shrimp with Peanuts!


Thank you Peanut Butter & Co. for hosting such a great event and thank you for my goody bag!!!



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