Monday, June 6, 2011

Time Management Fail…

I can’t believe another week has passed since I last posted…I need to start carving out time in my schedule to post updates and also to read YOUR BLOGS! I have been so bad lately in commenting on your blogs but I have been reading them whenever I get chance, which is usually when I am on the bus heading to the gym lol.

My days have been filled with training other people but I am trying not to neglect myself in the process….

I am still loosely following the Ease into 10K program and I just completed week 9 last week and it looked something like this….

E10K W9 D2E10K W0 D3

I also started running earlier in the morning because when I don’t my runs look a lot like this…

Short, Slow, and SWEATY!!!!!!! (heat is not my friend)


I also brought some new sneakers to keep my feet happy =)

Asics Gel Kayano 17….


Besides running, I have also been doing some baking/cooking…normal people do this in the winter but I get the baking bug in the summer…

Chocolate and Banana Protein Muffin (recipe)


And of course with the warm weather approaching, I am also craving more burgers…

Boo Yah Black Bean Burgers (recipe)


No matter how busy I am, I still make time for my homefries! This past Friday her school did the Wizard of Oz and she played a flying monkey and she even had lines!


DJ Pose….


Trainer Pose…


I was a proud titi and yes I cried!


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...