Hey Loves! I am sorry that I have been MIA, I am home sick and decided to catch up with you guys! Can you believe that in 2009, I posted 40 times In July and in 2010, I posted 16…can you guess how many times I blogged this July? 3!!!!! That is not acceptable! I know the circumstances are different…I went from working at an office setting where I was able to post during the day, to working at a gym where I have 0 internet access (except my phone). Also I went from snapping pictures of all of my eats to barely bringing out my camera and honestly. I miss that the most! I miss sharing my eats and workouts with you guys and I want to get back on track. New Month means a fresh start!!!!
July Challenge Updates
In July I had a couple of goals…how did I do?
Yoga Challenge: “For the month of July, I will do a minimum of 25 minutes of Yoga, 4 times a week.“ Out of 31 days, I managed to do Yoga 14 times and it varied from 1 hour to 20 minutes. Did I reach my goal? Nope but I am pretty happy with what I did.
Detox Challenge: “Starting tomorrow, I will be doing the detox phase of the Fat Smash Diet (In the first phase of the Fat Smash Diet, food choices should be eaten raw, grilled or steamed. Fats are limited to a maximum of 3 tablespoons, with 1 to 2 teaspoons olive oil per day. Allowed foods include unlimited fruits and vegetables (except white potatoes or avocado), chickpeas, lentils, tofu, and beans. It also permits limited amounts of brown rice; low-fat, skim, or soy milk; oatmeal; low-fat yogurt; egg whites; and herbal tea. This is the total menu for nine days.)”. This challenge lasted 9 days and I managed to stick with it! I did a lot of cooking at home…even during a heat wave!
I don’t really have any goals for August, besides training for my half marathon and not letting things get in the way of it. I also want to stick with my healthy eats, 90 percent of the time….and of course keep on doing some Yoga, a minimum of 1-2 times a week oh and the most important one….BLOGGING!
Do you have any goals for this month?
Before I go, here are a few pictures of my Baby Zen