Friday, February 24, 2012

3 Years Old and a Giveaway!!!!

I can’t believe I have been blogging for 3 years! When I first started this blog, it was just a way to keep a log of my daily eats and workouts as well as connecting with other people that shared the same interest.

Here I am 3 years later and still using this blog to keep me accountable. You have seen me at my worse and and at my best…and through the years, I have made some amazing memories which probably would have never happened without “Namaste Mari”

Running my 1st Half Marathon…


Boston Trip with Missy, where I met Ashleigh and Naomi


Meeting so many other bloggers at Self Workout in the Park!



Finally meeting “Mansana”! (she is the one that got me into blogging!)



It is tradition that I celebrate my blog birthday with an Oikos giveaway!!!! (thanks Kristina once again!!!)

Have you guys heard of the the new “I Will Know My Food” Stonyfield Campaign?

Ready to really get to know your food? There is a lot that goes into the food you eat every day. Each bite matters—to you, your family, farmers, animals and the planet. Here at Stonyfield we got our start as a nonprofit sustainable farming school. So we've always tried to teach people about food. We're learning more every day and we want to invite you to join us in this Know Your Food journey. Open the fridge, head to the farm, join the conversation, and make this the moment when your food became a little less of a stranger.”

Once you go their website you can also enter their sweepstake!

Tell us why you want to know your food, and we'll enter you in our sweeps for a Know Your Food Adventure and fridge makeover.

On our all-expense-paid Know Your Food Adventure, our sweeps winner and a guest will meet farmers (and cows) that make ingredients for our yogurt and experience an interactive, educational farm vacation. Spend four nights at the Couture's Bed and Breakfast in Vermont. Enjoy organic breakfasts, experience life on the farm, and learn about organic farming.

The winner will also get a fridge makeover, including a consultation with a nutritionist, a year's worth of free Stonyfield Organic products and a $500 shopping trip to stock the fridge and pantry with healthy food for you and your family! ” Enter Contest Here


Sooooo what am I giving away????

An Oikos apron, A reusable tote (I have this in yellow and NEVER leave home without it) and 5 Coupons for FREE Yogurt!!

Namaste Giveaway

Which you can use to try their new Frozen Yogurt!!!!!!

How to Enter:

  1. Become a Namaste Mari follower. If you are already a follower just comment that you are.

  2. Tweet  My giveaway: “ @namaste_mari is having a giveway

  3. Become a Fan on Namaste Mari on Facebook

  4. Follow Stonyfield on Twitter @stonyfield, fan Stonyfield on Facebook

  5. Follow me on Twitter @namaste_mari

  6. Go on Stonyfield’s “I will know my food” website and tell me something that you learned from watching their videos.

DEADLINE: Midnight Eastern Time on Friday March 2nd !!!!…GOOD LUCK!!!!

This contest is open to US residents only.


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Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...