Hello my loves!!!! For the past couple of weeks I have been in a funk but since I started running again…I feel so much better!!!!! I was even contemplating NOT doing the marathon! WHO THE F AM I?!?!?! but I think EVERYTHING happens for a reason. The other day I was on the bus heading to the gym and I bumped into my friend (we ran some races together and would train together at times) and when I told her how I was feeling, I realized that it is coming from fear. After she got off the bus, I felt better and tmed her “I need your help!” and ever since then…we have been training together when we get a chance. It is so much easier to get out of bed at 5 in the morning when you know someone is waiting for you.
I also think another reason I have been feeling so good is because I have been filling my body with nutritious food…
I also added a new bambino to the mix…say hello to my 20lb kettlebell!!!
Some girls want babies…I want kettle babies! I didn’t go through labor but I DID have to take public transportation when I purchased it!
Before I let you go…Zen want to give you guys a HUG!!!