Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2013 Here I Come!!!!

I am sure you all heard by now that the Marathon was cancelled. This past weekend has been very emotional but I have to say that was also a blessing. It has helped me to appreciate the people in my life that really support me….

A lot of other people who were supposed to run the marathon on Sunday have been fortunate enough to find other events in the near future to participate in. Unfortunately, due to finances…I can’t do the same.

I refuse to feel sorry for myself because some people have lost EVERYTHING!

On Sunday, I met with my friend who was also planning to do the NYCM and instead we headed to my others friends job, where she started a clothes drive to make donations…


I later on found out that my clothes went to a single mother in the Rockaways who lost her home.


Today I pressed “reset” and set my eyes on 2013…I headed over to Forest park and did 3.2 brisk miles

forest park

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. – Buddha

I hope you continue to follow me on my new journey…


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...