Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday Morning Rambles: Why I Decided to Become a Essential Oil Wellness Advocate.

Hello my loves! I  have some exciting news to share with you guys today.

I decided to finally join the Essential Oil Family and become a Wellness Advocate!
To be honest I wanted to join this community for quite some time but I was scared and hesitant to take the plunge.

 I have been using these oils for about a year and absolutely love them!
Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a horrible sales person and don’t like to “push” people into anything. I try to steer clear of selling things unless I am TRULY passionate about it and that is how I feel about these products.
A couple of weeks ago, I had an “Aha moment” and I knew that I wanted to share this with other people. Remember when I attended the Yoga Journal Conference a few weeks ago? Well the morning of the event, I woke up so sick and my stomach was in knots…I thought I was going to have to skip the event. I then remembered that my friend Alyson who is also a wellness advocate sent me a pamphlet with all the various uses for the oils. I looked up “digestive problem” and found that the Peppermint oil helps with this issue. I was skeptical but gave it a shot (added it to my water and rubbed on my stomach) and It worked! I was able to go to the conference and fully enjoy myself which you guys saw on my post.

Some of you may not know what essential oils are, so here is some information about the ones that I particularly love:
  • Pure and natural, with aromatic compounds carefully extracted from plants
  • Free from fillers or artificial ingredients; no dilution of active qualities
  • Free of contaminants, pesticides, or chemical residues
  • Rigorously tested for standards of chemical composition
  • Cross tested using mass spectrometry and gas chromatography to ensure exact purity and composition potency
Like I said before, I am very excited about this new journey and can’t wait to share it with you guys!

Check out my vlog below!
Feel free to email me at if you want more information on essential oils and where to purchase them!


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