Hmm maybe I shouldn’t be writing a post while on pain killers…It makes me a tad nostalgic. Ha.
Remember last week I said I would be having Oral Surgery…well they ended up taking out all four of my wisdom teeth…OUCH! Thankfully the swelling is going down and I am returning back to normal activities like working out! Oh how much I miss it, when I have to take more than one day off. Some may call it an addiction but I call it my life. I could be addicted to something far worse.
Speaking of working out..I decided to start the Oxygen Challenge all over again but this time I am going to merge together both programs. I always like to keep things interesting and I want to bring in 2016 feeling ahhhhhmazing.
Soooo I know why you guys are really here…you want to know who is the winner of my MightNut Giveaway…
I used a random number generator to pick the winner and I guess the early bird does catch the worm! The first person to enter the giveaway, won! The winning comment was number 2, which was:
“mathmahna October 13, 2015 at 10:22 AMI follow @Namaste_Mari on twitter."
Please email me your mailing address and which flavor you would love to try! Congrats!! (please contact me by Friday if you are still interested; if not I will pick a new winner)
Watch my vlog below for more rambles…I must warn you that I am on pain medication so prepare yourself for a lot more rambling!