Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Morning Rambles: MightyNut Winner…

Happy Monday my loves! Is it me or is time flying by? Before we know it, we will be watching the new year roll by.

Hmm maybe I shouldn’t be writing a post while on pain killers…It makes me a tad nostalgic. Ha.

Remember last week I said I would be having Oral Surgery…well they ended up taking out all four of my wisdom teeth…OUCH! Thankfully the swelling is going down and I am returning back to normal activities like working out! Oh how much I miss it, when I have to take more than one day off. Some may call it an addiction but I call it my life. I could be addicted to something far worse.

Speaking of working out..I decided to start the Oxygen Challenge all over again but this time I am going to merge together both programs. I always like to keep things interesting and I want to bring in 2016 feeling ahhhhhmazing.

Soooo I know why you guys are really here…you want to know who is the winner of my MightNut Giveaway…

I used a random number generator to pick the winner and I guess the early bird does catch the worm! The first person to enter the giveaway, won! The winning comment was number 2, which was:
 “mathmahna October 13, 2015 at 10:22 AMI follow @Namaste_Mari on twitter."

pb winner 2

Please email me your mailing address and which flavor you would love to try! Congrats!! (please contact me by Friday if you are still interested; if not I will pick a new winner)

Watch my vlog below for more rambles…I must warn you that I am on pain medication so prepare yourself for a lot more rambling!


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...