Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday Morning Rambles: Love One Another…

Good Morning my loves…

I hope you guys had a tranquil weekend. I debated posting today because it almost felt trivial with everything that is going on in Paris and the rest of the World.

I hate that we have to live in a world that is filled with so much hate and fear. I try not to let horrible events like this scare me but I found myself paranoid on Saturday. I was on my way to meet a client on Saturday morning and this young man got on the bus and I instantly felt panic. He was wearing a long trench coat that seemed a tad too bulky in the mid section and my instinct was telling me to get off the bus. I hated that I judged this kid but I listened to my gut and got off.

I decided to watch Gandhi over the weekend…I guess I needed something to bring me centered again; to remind me that the world is not all bad.

Last week, I started a new thing; reading in the morning. I started waking up a little earlier and reading for a bit before working out. It has been amazing. I tried to read the Gita before bed but I found it so hard to focus and completely understand it. This new routine is so much better…every morning I make my cup of coffee and sit in silence and enjoy my book. I still have to reread some pages but this time around I “get” it,

Perhaps this could also be why I had the urge to watch Gandhi over the weekend. The Gita makes so many references to Gandhi and I felt embarrassed. For someone that I admire, I really didn’t know his full story. Side note, I had not clue that the film was over 3 hours long…it had it’s own intermission with music. I still have more questions and might need to read a biography about him.

One thing that I do know is that his words seem appropriate at the moment…

Check out my vlog below where I speak more about the items above and why I decided to start doing “Meatless Monday” this week…


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...