Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Morning Rambles: Oxygen Challenge Part Deux!

Good Morning my loves!!!! Sorry for being MIA last week but since it was a holiday weekend, I had a feeling most of you would be enjoying the three day weekend.

Do you remember last year when I participated in the Oxygen Challenge? Well it that time of year again. I absolutely loved it the last time around, so when they announced that they would be doing it again; I jumped at the opportunity!

Here is some more information about the challenge from Oxygen's site:

Here’s What You’ll Get
  • Unlimited access to the online streaming videos
  • Three full months of workout programming
  • Step-by-step exercise instruction
  • Three full months of nutrition programming
  • Recipes, grocery lists and meal plans
  • Valuable info on motivation, rest and setting goals

And do you know what was the pièces de résistance? Christmas Abbott is one of the Coaches! Christmas is an Olympic lifter, Crossfit competitor, and was even in a NASCAR pit crew. I have been following Christmas on social media for awhile and have always admired her, not only because of her physique but also her dedication and all around "badassness". 

I started the challenge last Wednesday and haven't felt deprived at all with my food. I like Christmas's approach to nutrition; focusing on unprocessed foods and paying attention to your macros with each meal. 

Same goes with her workouts...I absolutely love them since I'm fan of functional training.  We are humans and should move our bodies instead of focusing on machines! I even went out and purchased a jump rope...and I am not the most coordinated person ha.

I am excited for this challenge and can't wait to see how I will evolve in the next 90 days.


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...