Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday Morning Rambles: Be Flexibile...

Good Morning loves! It is a gorgeous morning here in NYC...Fall has definitely arrived and I welcome it with open arms.

I had another educational weekend at my Yoga Teacher Training, which included a lot of Triangle/Trikonasana poses (demonstrating a variation below)....

Triangle can look so simple but it takes a lot to maneuver your body into need to focus on your chest, pelvis, hips, ribs....the list goes on and on. It just shows me that I need to be consistent with my practice and not be beat myself up because I am always learning.

Speaking of not being hard on myself...this weekend I learned that I have to be more flexible, OFF THE MAT.

As you know: I love my routine...sometimes to a fault. This weekend in philosophy, Mokshapriya asked us "What is stopping you from meditating" and I couldn't really think of anything because I try to stay consistent with my routine. If I had to choose one thing, it would be that I am lazy. When I say lazy, I mean that sometimes I want to stay in bed a bit more and hit snooze one too many times and when I do wake up, I am running around my apartment like a chicken with its head cut off.

She pointed out that, it isn't about me being lazy but the fact that I am such a slave to my routine and don't leave any wiggle room for change. This confused me because I thought one of the main things about being a Yogi is discipline (tapas). She reminded me that yes, I do need to be disciplined but I need to be open to hear God at any moment.

I applied it to my routine this morning and was pleasantly surprised. I usually meditate and follow it with  prayer and then choose an Angel Card for the day but I changed it up a bit (which I wasn't planning to do).

I set my alarm to meditate for fifteen minutes and two minutes into it, something inside of me told me to pray first and then grab a card. Normally I would have ignored this little voice but thankfully today I listened.

Check out my video below to see what my Angels said to me about my studies and how I need to be more careful about what I put out into the Universe ...

(I am little sick today so it took a bit for my thoughts to come together but I hope you take a moment to watch) 


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...