Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday Morning Rambles: Roller Coaster Weekend....

Good Morning my loves! This weekend was a roller coaster ride of emotions. I experienced some really sweet highs followed by some overwhelming lows during my Yoga Teacher Training.

Saturday we had "The Joy of Yoga" workshop and this was the seminar that I was most excited about since we received our calendar of events.

Theresa from Healthy Vibrant You was our guest speaker and a fellow graduate of the Yoga school that I am attending.

We started the day performing a Lymphatic Drain Practice which she recommended we do every day in the morning to "unclog" our lymphatic system.

After lunch we did Desire Mapping which looked like this:

For each word, we had to brainstorm and write down words that popped in our head when we thought of what we wanted in each area of our life. After we were done, we reviewed our lists and identified which word or words appeared more than once and for me they were "Happy & Content".

We then broke into little groups and each had 1 minute to explain WHY we wanted to be yoga teachers and after that minute, the other two people in our group would give us just one word based on our story. I was very personal with the ladies in my group and the two words that they gave me were "Inspired & Compassion". We then put some music on and danced our words was such a beautiful release of emotion and happy tears. We laughed and said that it reminded us of Grey's Anatomy when Meredith and Cristina would "dance it out"

And now onto Sunday...

Sunday was a full day of Anatomy; our anatomy teacher Janine, is very knowledgeable and I believe she is a Surgical Nurse. As a personal trainer and health coach, I came into this thinking that I knew most of what we needed to know...yeah not so much. There's so much that we need to retain in these few months and the only way that I can describe it is, Overwhelming. Yesterday when I came home from school, the tears started to fall once I entered my apartment (they fell again in my video below).

The Yoga school that I am attending is one of the best in the country and they want to make sure that all their graduates represents them in the best light which I respect. Last week, I spoke about accepting the highs and lows in our life and this week was yet another lesson in that department.


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...