Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday Morning Rambles: Q&A Edition

I decided that I don't share enough with you guys (insert sarcasm here) soooo I decided to make a Q&A post.

I asked ya'll this morning to send me some questions that you would like for me to answer and thankfully you guys jumped at the opportunity!

In the video below, I answer these questions:

Why did you become a personal trainer?
What took you so long to finally teach yoga? 
Do you plan your classes before hand?
Why did you start "Namaste Mari"?
How often do you carb cycle? 
Where do you get the motivation to workout?

I really enjoyed answering these questions and want to do more videos like this so please keep the questions coming! You can email me at or message me on my various social media platforms.


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...