On The Mat With Mari: Lifts, Eats, Yoga, and Giveaway Winner...
It's funny because last week, Namaste Mari celebrated it's 9 year anniversary and this week, I decided to kick it old school and went back to my roots. When I first started this site, I would post every day and I always shared my meals and workouts via photos and of course words. I can't post "errrday" but something inside of me was inspired to go back to my "humble" beginnings but with a twist...I was able to record some of it.
Of course I had to take a photo of my favorite thing at the moment...breakfast pizza. My niece jokes that I am overdoing it with this pizza but how can you get tired of pizza? Especially when the toppings are always changing.
Aside from sharing my full day of eating, I also recorded some of my leg workout as well as a clip of me practicing for a yoga class. Oh and I also was able to grab some footage of when I set a new PR with my bench press!!
It was really fun to record of all this and I even reminisced on how it used to be..I remembered yelling at my family on more than one occasion "don't touch the food yet, I need to take a photo" haha. Thank God that they "get" me.
Any-who...check out my video below...aaaaaaand I also announce the winner of the giveaway!