Friday, March 2, 2018

On The Mat With Mari: Lifts, Eats, Yoga, and Giveaway Winner...

It's funny because last week, Namaste Mari celebrated it's 9 year anniversary and this week, I decided to kick it old school and went back to my roots. When I first started this site, I would post every day and I always shared my meals and workouts via photos and of course words. I can't post "errrday" but something inside of me was inspired to go back to my "humble" beginnings but with a twist...I was able to record some of it.

Of course I had to take a photo of my favorite thing at the moment...breakfast pizza. My niece jokes that I am overdoing it with this pizza but how can you get tired of pizza? Especially when the toppings are always changing.

Aside from sharing my full day of eating, I also recorded some of my leg workout as well as a clip of me practicing for a yoga class.  Oh and I also was able to grab some footage of when I set a new PR with my bench press!!

It was really fun to record of all this and I even reminisced on how it used to be..I remembered yelling at my family on more than one occasion "don't touch the food yet, I need to take a photo" haha. Thank God that they "get" me.

Any-who...check out my video below...aaaaaaand I also announce the winner of the giveaway!


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...