Tuesday, October 23, 2018

On The Mat With Mari: Keto Inspired Low Carb FDOE

Sooooooo I'm doing a thing...a thing that I swore that I would never do. My mom always had this saying when I was growing up "don't spit up (in the air) because it will hit you in the face". I got hit in the face.

For about a year, I have been hearing about the Keto diet and I had an involuntary response which usually came in the form of an eye roll. I would go on my usual rant on how our bodies run on carbs etc etc.

My clients would ask me my opinion on it and my answers were always based on nutritional facts. I would speak on how carb cycling which worked great for me but honestly I could never truly speak on Keto because I myself have never tried it.

As most of you guys know, I suffer from PCOS and for me; a low carb diet is beneficial.  So when my friend Angie mentioned that she was going to do keto for 30 days, I jumped on the opportunity to join her (it is always easier to have a partner when doing things like this).

I decided to do this for two main reason; see how my body would react to this change and also I wanted to integrate it into my life so that I could be better informed for my clients.

I am on day 9 and honestly it hasn't been that hard to maintain even while eating out with friends. I am conscious of eating my micro-nutrients with my meals. I haven't felt sluggish and my workouts haven't suffered. Also I should mention that my goal is to stay under 50 grams of carbs which adds up quickly throughout the day. I know some people go down to 20 grams. 

Like I said, this is currently a 30 day challenge and I am not sure what I will do after the 30 days. It has been easy to stick to it but is this something that I could do long term? Hmm this girl loves pizza.

I will say, that we are entitled to eat how we choose which is why we have so many options out there to choose from. So yeah, perhaps keto works for some people but that doesn't mean everyone needs to do it. I would never tell a vegetarian to eat steak...stop judging and start living.

Below I share my FDOE as well as a workout and fun yoga class.

Stay tuned to hear about the rest of my 30 days...


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